West Virginia University has partnered with AFROTC Detachment 915 to provide a limited number of room and meal plan scholarships to new cadets. Incoming freshmen who are enrolled in the AFROTC program are encouraged to apply for a Room & Board Scholarship by completing the below application. Applications are considered on a first-come, first-served basis. Students must have a WVU student ID number and be registered for USAF 100 and USAF 131 to be eligible. The application opens March 1st and applications are due by July 1st for the following academic year. Please send the completed application and a brief statement on why you are deserving of the scholarship to afrotc@mail.wvu.edu.
Room & Board scholarships cover the cost of a double, triple, or quad occupancy room in a WVU-operated residence hall and the Go 13 meal plan for two academic semesters (Fall and Spring).
Students receiving a Room & Board scholarship are expected to remain enrolled in the appropriate AFROTC/USAF courses for the entire academic year. If a student receiving a scholarship willingly leaves the program or is disenrolled for failing to maintain proper standards, they will be reported to Student Financial Services as not completing their scholarship requirements. SFS may determine that the student should reimburse the University a pro-rated amount for the remainder of the covered period.
If you receive other scholarships that are applied to your student account, this scholarship will be reduced accordingly to ensure only the full cost of these items are covered.
AFROTC Det 915 Room & Board Scholarship Application